Monday, June 11, 2007

got them all cut

i got my hair cut today.. i didnt have him style it because it costs more.. so i came home and eventually got to drying it and styling it. started to cry. i dont like it. i usually go to a more expensive salon.. but i cant really afford it so i went to a cheaper one, and i know now why you pay more at expensive salons. i cryed for like a half hour trying to do something with my hair. i know its not really that bad.. but its the things that i notice that i dont like, anyone else probablly wouldnt. this weekend was good. Miss Fran bought me a new outfit :) lol an aprin. its what i got to wear while making dinner sunday night. i was freaked out.. being mostly naked, cooking dinner.. with Her snapping pictures of course.. i got more comfortable eventually and She got some AMAZING pictures. i see myself different in Her pictures.. i never want to look, cuz i never like pictures of myself.. but i was so amazed at how She captured me. i want to print it and post it everywhere. Mr. Hubby went to bed early cuz he was really tired, so Miss Fran and i stayed up to finish watching the movie, and then i made dinner for Her.. i have been feeling really domestic lately.. its funny how something like doing the laundry and making the bed and fixing dinner can bring so much satisfaction. we also resigned our contracts.. for another 3 months. i added something, and She added something. and we signed. :) are you supposed to sign a contract forever? or are you supposed to do a short term thing? either way, in three months we will re evaluate.

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