Tuesday, June 12, 2007

performance test I

"i will perform all duties and services without question. Instructions will be carried out immediately."

i dont live with Miss Fran and Mr Hubby, not yet. right now my only daily tasks are down to just my blog, and job hunting for at least 45 minutes. She wants to make sure i find a job soon. Yesterday i had done my job search, but before i had done my blog, i had gotten on WoW to see if Mr. Hubby was on. i didnt get on to play, but thats not the point. i screwed up again, Miss Fran pointed out that it was almost exactly a month since the last time i had done the same thing. so Miss Fran asked me to blog on "i will perform all duties and services without question. Instructions will be carried out immediately" from our contract all week.

i am trying very hard so find a new job so i am able to move in with Them. i think that once that happens things will get a lot better. right now i live at home with my family, and i go to work. i dont have any physical interaction with Miss Fran at all during the week. at work i am pretty much my own boss, i have a boss but its more of a title. i come home and i live with my family, both parents and 2 siblings. i certinly am not submissive at work, and dont show it at all at home, unless my mom asks me to do something... but thats because shes mom =) my feeling is that when i move in with Them that things all around, in all area's will change, hopefully for the good. i know that being there will change my submissiveness. because right now i only really have to be "in role" 2 maybe 3 days on the weekends.

my tasks, and my submissiveness needs to be my priority. its harder now because my interaction is mainly with people at work, and with my family. i talk to Miss Fran on and off during the day, but its not the same as being in Her presence. i talked to Her about this earlier and She agreed that i do a good job when i am there, i am glad and relieved that She thinks so. i have to prove to Her that my submission is important to me. and doing what She asks is a good way to do that. i berate and punish myself more than She ever could. i didnt sleep very well last night, and i was on the verge of tears all day at work. i dont want Her to give up on me. i need to get my head in the right space, and keep it there. and i know that it will be so much easier when i move in.


Master Michael - lucy & melody said...

"because right now i only really have to be "in role" 2 maybe 3 days on the weekends. "

maybe daily tasks would help keep you in a submissive space more frequently. i used to have to kneel everyday and had other tasks i did just for my Sir. Just a thought, not a criticism.

Are you located in Seattle area? i only ask because i am and would love the opportunity to possible have a local person to chat with....especially another submissive.

All my best,

XXXXX said...

Hey there, i've been reading your blog pretty regularly now, and it's so refreshing to find someone else my age! i live with my parents as well, and it's so hard to do tasks with them around, and some mornings i wake up and just want to be submissive. Hopefully you will find a job and move in with Miss Fran and Mr Hubby. It seems like the best thing. Good luck on your tasks!