Thursday, June 28, 2007

thankful thursdays

im thankful that:

1. jurassic park was on tv last night

2. i got a butt plug hehe

3. Miss Fran got screw the roses give me the thorns

4. Shes going to let me read it to Her so we can discuss it togeather

5. 4th of july is comming up and im so excited.. i think fireworks are romantic, and ive never gotten to spend that holiday with a boyfriend/girlfriend Master/Mistress, i am really looking foward to it

6. packing is mostly done

7. my lillies are so tall and huge! and so pretty, and smell good

8. my parents and brother wern't hurt in the earthquake in california

9. tomorrow is friday and i get to go to Miss Fran and Mr. Hubbys tomorrow

10. i have gotten a lot of peace and quiet while my parents and brother are on vacation

11. fish crakers are tasty

12. ratatollie is comming out soon.. disneys first cooking movie! yay!

13. transformers is commin out and we are gonna go see it

14. we watched the first 2 die hard movies this past weekend, im excited to see live long and die hard

15. im half done! lol. im doing 30 thankful's today because i did a regular post the past 2 thursdays

16. i watched stomp the yard and it was super good

17. im moving in! a week from tomorrow! i just feel like bouncing up and down and clapping my hands

18. packing makes me see that i have a lot of stuff to sell and make money!

19. i found a ton of clothes that i didnt realise that i had

20. my relationship with my parents is getting better

21. Miss Fran has a town house for us to look at on sunday

22. im getting paid more at my new job

23. im meeting with the head chef on saturday to go over the new menu and do paperwork

24. its cool outside and it rained

25. im going to hopefully start a new diet, liquid, a family friend did something similar and lost TONS of weight

26. my favorite show was on last night and tonight :)

27. i found some books that i thought i had lost

28. my tattoo isnt red or itchy this time

29. i didnt burn myself at work today!

30. the burn i did get on tuesday didnt blister and feels fine now

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