Wednesday, July 4, 2007

ah!! sleeping in

i love sleeping in during the week. i never get to do it, theres nothing better than hearing the alarm going off, getting to turn it off and roll over and go back to sleep. hehe, i love that. today and tomorrow i have to finish packing up some clothes and cleaning. my brother got my sister and i some salt water taffy *yum* and a vegas key chain. everyone is nice and tan, and probablly dont want to see the inside of a car for weeks! lol. they drove from seattle, through oregon, california, nevada, utah, and back home. im glad they're back. even though im going to miss spending the 4th with Miss Fran and Mr. Hubby, its good that i can spend it with my family before i move out this weekend. my best friend broke up with her boyfriend recently.. we havent been spending a lot of time togeather lately because she spends a lot of time with her boyfriend during the week when im home, and i spend a lot of time with Miss Fran and Mr. Hubby when shes home.. she told me she missed hanging out like we used to.. im sorry for that. i hope i will still get to see her some times.. wether she comes up to visit me at Miss Fran and Mr. Hubby's or when i come down to see my family. she's going to come by for a few minutes today to drop off a movie i let her borrow. happy 4th of july everyone!

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