Wednesday, March 14, 2007

p's and q's

manners.. i grew up with my parents always telling me to mind my p's and q's. i feel like ive always had good manners. Manners in my opinion are very important. as a submissive, im very thankful. with out my Mistress who would i submit to, and if i didnt submit wouldnt i lose part of myself? i think so. others may not agree, but then again, this isnt T/their blog. lol. its always important to show respect. yes Ma'am, thank You Ma'am. but the question in my mind is when is yes Ma'am, no Ma'am appropriate.. is it all the time? during play? at home? in public? i dont think W/we are at the all the time stage, but im not looking to be a 24/7 slave, and She isnt looking for one. but things as small as letting her Sit first, or walking a step behind Her, holding open a door, carrying the bag, all of those are very important in my opinion, because even though others around me may not know why im doing it, and might not see it out of the ordinary, its my way of being in role out in public, She knows why im doing it and thats all that matters.

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